Today at BCI London: March 1, 2014

Matinee Concert : Students of Ivo Stankov

12:30 Sofia Gallery Matinee concert by the young and talented students of the British- based Bulgarian violinist Ivo Stankov and the singing classes of Vania Vatralova-Stankov. Lois Heslop - violin Alexandra De Prat I Pont - soprano The program will include music by Mozart, Hendl, Haydn, Lalo, De Falla and Weber IvoStankovRead more

Bulgarian Culinary Workshop: “The Cuisine of Grandmother”

Come and experience the extraordinary craft of Bulgarian Cooking!! Learn how to make traditional starters, main courses, deserts and pastries following century old Bulgarian traditions with our master chef- Nasko, here in London specifically to provide this exclusive workshops! The course will begin at 13:00 every Saturday, in the premises of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London, with...

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