Today at BCI London: December 8, 2013

Christmas Plays for Children

8th of December 2013, 16:00h and 18:00h, Halls of the Bulgarian Embassy 186-188 Queen's Gate South Kensington SW7 5HL Performance by Sofia Puppet Theatre The Princesses and the Dragon director: Kyriakos Argiropoulos Based on M. Mashatova ?usic: Peter Tsankov Starring: Georgi Stoyanov, Tsvetoslava Simeonova, Mimi Yordanova, Stanislav Stanev The dragon decides to find himself a wife. So he begins to explore all the kingdoms...
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Weaving: A traditional Bulgarian craft

You will learn how to form a beautiful fabric or cloth using only sets of yarns and a loom. In the first centuries carpets and rugs were used for satisfying the family needs. The weaving knowledge and dexterity were passed on from mother to daughter, only in the family circle. It’s the weaver’s emotions, her longing...

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Gongfu Tea CupsAmber Beads BraceletsWholesale Yixing Tea CupsWinter Sleeping Bags