Poetic, musical, and film evening with the work of Rosen Karamfilov

Free registration for the event HERE

07.12.2018; 7 PM; “Sofia” Gallery

On December 7, 2018, Rosen Karamfilov will be for the second time at BCI London to present poems from his latest two poetic books “Cerebral Poetry” and “Despite the Storms” as well as two narratives from the forthcoming book that is a collection of short stories. The book is due to be published in Bulgaria in 2019. During the event the short film by the director Victoria Karakoleva for the presentation of Rosen Karamfilov’s book “Cerebral Poetry” will also be shown. There will be live music, poetry and nice atmosphere.

Special guest: Rosen Karamfilov

Rosen Karamfilov was born 20.11.1992, in Sofia. He graduated from the Plovdiv University “Paisiy Hilendarski,” where he studied applied linguistics with two foreign languages – English and German.

He is the author of the books “The Eagle and the Child” (2011), “Stereo Silence” (2013), “Knees” (2014), “Cerebral Poetry” (2016), “Despite the Storms” (2018).

Karamfilov is the youngest poet included in the American anthology of Bulgarian poetry “The Sеason of Delicate Hunger” (Accents Publishing, US).

He has won the following awards: “Rashko Sugarev” (2014), “Dobromir Tonev” (2014) and “Vladimir Bashev” (2017), “The Soul of a Fountain” (2018).

His novel “Knees” represented Bulgaria on the European First Novel Festival in Budapest in 2015.

His texts have been translated in English, German, Turkish, Italian and others.

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