Film Screening and Discussion : Sneakers (2011)

19:00h Sofia Gallery

Sneakers (Kecove)

The directorial debut of actor Valeri Yordanov, in tandem with Ivan Vladimirov was the Bulgarian film put forward for an ” Oscar ” in 2012.

In early summer, six young people try to escape from their failures in family, love, money , ambitions , in meetings with various of them . Fleeing from the aggression of the city, which the ” different ” have taken over . Each of the young men, in his own way, is running away east of hell … to the farthest possible. They Flee to the beach and to freedom. A pristine bay brings them closer together and gives them hope. But is escape from aggression and the city possible?

Cast: Ivan Burnev , Valeri Yordanov, Vasil Draganov, Ina Nikolova, Ivo Arakov and Filip Avramov, who received the award for Best Actor at the festival of Bulgarian feature film “Golden Rose 2011 ” in Varna.
The premiere was at the Moscow International Film Festival , then was shown at two festivals in Karlovy Vary , Mannheim and Marrakech.
In 2012, it received the award of the Bulgarian Film Academy in the category ” Film Music ” .

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